Being Happy is the only way to give Happiness - Speaking Tree


Being Happy is the only way to give Happiness


The greatest gift we want to give to our loved ones everyday at every moment is happiness. We spend time with them, buy for them articles of physical comforts, support them, and yet they are unhappy at times. Most likely, it is   because we are unhappy.
Happiness is energy, not matter. Just by being happy ourselves and being happy while discharging our responsibilities, our happy vibrations radiate and trigger the happiness frequency in our loved ones and uplifts their state of mind to happiness.

Have you sensed, at times, that you need to make a lot more effort in sustaining your roles and responsibilities, if your mind is unhappy? Despite your extra efforts to care and provide for them, are family members and friends not happy with you? Does it leave you wondering what more should you have done?

We often quantify our efforts and measure our loved ones' happiness against it. The truth is how : much we do for people doesn't matter. What matters is how happy we were, while doing everything.

While caring for people or doing something for them, let us not create thoughts of stress, fear, anxiety, anger or pain.

Otherwise, our negativity is sure to deplete people for whom we do so much, not allowing them to be happy with us.

Without being happy, you cannot give happiness to others. Be happy and do everything that you need to do. It's your energy, which influences their happiness. Remind yourself this: I am an embodiment of happiness. Being happy myself and, then, taking care of people, keeps my loved ones happy.

When you experience unconditional happiness, you have nothing but happiness to give to everyone. You don't even have to give, it automatically radiates.

From today, let bliss be your natural way of living. Let nothing and no one pull you down. In every scene, contribute towards creating a happy family, happy workplace and happy world by being happy always.

Happiness Is In Thoughts, Not Things: 2b: BK Shivani (Hindi) - YouTube


THIS is not intended as an exhaustive treatise on the much-written-upon subject of the power of thought. It is suggestive rather than explanatory, its object being to stimulate men and women to the discovery and perception of the truth that—

“They themselves are makers of themselves.”

by virtue of the thoughts, which they choose and encourage; that mind is the master-weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance, and that, as they may have hitherto woven in ignorance and pain they may now weave in enlightenment and happiness.

Answers by B.K.Shivani


Q. To be happy always is every one’s wish. But is happiness just a wish or is there a practical possibility to be happy always?

A. We can create happiness every moment, all our life. It is a choice to make. Happiness does not mean a state of excitement, it only means a comfortable state of mind. It is a feeling created by our thoughts. It is experienced whenever we create the right thought. When our thought is good, we will feel nice. That is happiness. When our thought is not good, (for example, when we create thoughts of stress, irritation, anger, fear, jealousy) we do not feel nice. And whenever we are not feeling nice, we are unhappy. So, our every thought decides whether we feel happy or unhappy. Most of us look for happiness in qualification, money, position, possessions, success and relationships. Each is only a stimulus to which we responded with positive thoughts, and they result in happiness. To be happy always, we need to internalize these truths about happiness:

• Happiness is independent of people and situations. It is only dependent on us. It depends on the thought we create about our situation, even in the most challenging circumstance.

• Happiness is not in accomplishments. It is not to be postponed until our goal is reached. It is in our way of thinking along the way, while working towards the goal.

• Happiness does not come from possessions. Everything physical is designed to give physical comfort. Happiness is emotional comfort. Let us buy whatever we want for their utility but not to seek happiness from them.

Q. Family worries, pecuniary limitations, professional jealousy and comments there of create a hurt feeling in us. How to get out of such sinking feelings?

A. A challenging situation can come as an illness, conflicted relationship, issues at workplace, financial crunch, crisis or tragedy. A person can insult, disrespect, ignore, betray, be jealous, harm physically or exploit financially. Both situations and people are outside of us, they cannot enter our mind. Our emotions of worry, anger or hurt are our creation, our choice. Suppose someone is jealous of us, one option is to request them to change. But if they don’t change, we continue to live in emotional pain. The other option is to counsel our own mind – “That person did what he wanted, but I used his words to hurt myself. I created hurt with my thoughts. Let me change my thoughts.” When we change our thoughts and understand they have a reason, they must be in some pain or insecure to behave that way, our hurt starts healing. Nobody is responsible for creating our emotions or making us feel a certain way. We create our own emotions, in response to people’s words/actions, or in response to situations. But we mistakenly think they are responsible for how we feel.

Q. What exactly is Awakening? How can anybody become a realized being?

A. Awakening is about becoming aware of ourselves and our inner potential. With awareness comes our attention about emotional, spiritual, mental, social and spiritual wellness. ‘Realized being’ as a term sounds heavy and difficult. The journey of awakening is simple. Today we have over 10 lakh families globally engaged the whole day, managing family and work, and still continuously aware of their true identity, qualities and inner powers. Remaining in the state of Awakening happens with a little practice and attention. Spiritual and emotional empowerment, combined with study and meditation, enables anyone to reach that stage. An hour a day to nurture the self is all it takes to awaken the greatness within us. Moreover, they can all be done at the comfort of our home or office.

Ram                                                                       Ram

I’ll share moral fable and positive articles with u regularly on this blog, 

Thanks for reading to all pure souls.

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Ram                                                                       Ram

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