Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Try to be Easy, Not Busy

We routinely use the usual and common vocabulary - I am very busy...I have no time. This mindset doesn’t let us prioritize our works and manage our time. We, as a result, over-commit and under-deliver in every area of life.

The turbulent energy of the word busy conveys that we are not available to enjoy life’s most precious moments. Busyness makes us stressed about saving time, wasting time and constantly being engaged in action.

Just by saying busy..busy..busy, even if our schedule permits a few hours of leisure, we won’t utilize it to care for ourselves or others. We don’t meet people, we call. We don’t listen to people, we speak to. We don’t connect with them, we just remain in contact.

Today, we have more responsibilities, more pressures and more expectations. More need not mean busy. We can work 16 hours a day while remaining calm and happy. Let’s start saying I am easy, I have time for everything.

The relaxed energy of the word easy keeps us calm, focused and efficient. Then, we, won’t want time; rather, we will have more time. We come across professionals or housewives who work 14 hours a day while remaining easy. We also meet school kids, who say, “I am very busy.

Today, the energy of being busy is in the air. When we consume and add it to our vocabulary, we radiate a message of having too much to manage and that we are not available for the benefit and betterment of our own self and other people.

Being easy or busy indicate opposite states of your mind; they have nothing to do with the amount of work you do. Replace busy state with easy state and see the difference it makes to your emotional health.

You will no longer hurry yourself or other people and create panic. You will go with the normal flow instead of resisting unexpected situations. You will, then, radiate vibrations of peace to your mind, health to your body, harmony to your relationships and happiness to your environment.

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