Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Care More

Care More

When there is an attitude of care and attention given to something, then we are more likely to get things done accurately. When we are careless, there is chaos and confusion and generally things end up being a mess. The amount of energy that we give to something is exactly proportionate to what we will get back from it.

Sometimes we can be a bit cavalier and thoughtless in the use of resources. This can apply to both our personal and professional life. But this carelessness can in the end take its toll in life too. Many companies are at a mega loss due to staff carelessness. For example, wasting paper, printing emails and large booklets when not necessary. Wasting food and other valuable resources because of poor planning, or for the sake of being extravagant or wanting to maintain a high corporate image. Remember, that if we had to pay for these resources from our purse, we might well care-more as we would feel the pinch in our own pocket.

If we just took the time to care more, be more mindful and think things through, then we would perhaps save time, money and many other important resources. How many of us really appreciate what we have? Just the simple, and often taken for granted fact, that we have access to education, health and welfare services in developed countries. There are many people in less fortunate countries who do not have the luxury of such things and for them it can be a daily struggle. In this regard to care means to appreciate.

Kids would also fare better at school if they could understand and connect back to Nature; how we are provided for and sustained by our precious planet. Some schools are making this effort. It would be helpful if children, and even adults too, could maintain a greater awareness of how interconnected everything is. Then we may well find that people would all be a great deal happier and more content in the world.

If we were able to teach our children how to appreciate, and acknowledge their good fortune then perhaps they would be able to appreciate what they have, rather than complain about what they do not have. If we could teach our children to just care a little more and give extra time to their studies, to teach them to be distracted less then maybe they would learn more. Perhaps some form of activity where they connect more with the physical world, and not just more time for play in the virtual world would help them re-connect and to re-create themselves too. Fewer distractions at the time of study would mean they would have more time for play and other re-creational activities of their choice.

Matter too responds to our energetic vibrations. This means that it is imperative that we treat things around us with love and care. How much do we use the things that we have with respect? For example it would be better to fold a blanket or sweater and lay it down on the couch, rather than to simply throw it. It would be better to wash the dishes and put them away than to have them pile up in the kitchen sink. In this way things last longer, even for years, and one need not spend extra time and money purchasing new things every year.

When we care about things, we are also respecting our self. Litter on our streets is not a sign of respect. Most of us would not choose to live in unclean or messy home, then why do we dis-respect the world and our own self? When we respect our environment, the environment will also show us respect too. Positive energy ripples back. Clean and tidy environments make us feel peaceful, healthy and relaxed. It comforts us to know that everything is in the right place and right order. This is why we love the things of Nature so much, because everything has an order and a natural rhythm.

When we care for people, we invest in them. We plant seeds of good deeds and the return always comes back in the form of love and kindness. Caring never goes to waste. When we use our positive qualities in a worthwhile way then those qualities too will come back to us from other people. It works just like a boomerang. If we show that care for others, then that care and respect will get reflected back to us too. Of course this also applies equally to that which is positive or negative! So it pays to be positive.

It’s Time… to care more and not be so careless. To be less cavalier with what we have and what we do. Every moment we have a choice with our thoughts, to care or not to care. The difference may seem to be minuscule but the effects can be long lasting and have greater impact than we may even realize.

Try to be Easy, Not Busy

We routinely use the usual and common vocabulary - I am very busy...I have no time. This mindset doesn’t let us prioritize our works and manage our time. We, as a result, over-commit and under-deliver in every area of life.

The turbulent energy of the word busy conveys that we are not available to enjoy life’s most precious moments. Busyness makes us stressed about saving time, wasting time and constantly being engaged in action.

Just by saying busy..busy..busy, even if our schedule permits a few hours of leisure, we won’t utilize it to care for ourselves or others. We don’t meet people, we call. We don’t listen to people, we speak to. We don’t connect with them, we just remain in contact.

Today, we have more responsibilities, more pressures and more expectations. More need not mean busy. We can work 16 hours a day while remaining calm and happy. Let’s start saying I am easy, I have time for everything.

The relaxed energy of the word easy keeps us calm, focused and efficient. Then, we, won’t want time; rather, we will have more time. We come across professionals or housewives who work 14 hours a day while remaining easy. We also meet school kids, who say, “I am very busy.

Today, the energy of being busy is in the air. When we consume and add it to our vocabulary, we radiate a message of having too much to manage and that we are not available for the benefit and betterment of our own self and other people.

Being easy or busy indicate opposite states of your mind; they have nothing to do with the amount of work you do. Replace busy state with easy state and see the difference it makes to your emotional health.

You will no longer hurry yourself or other people and create panic. You will go with the normal flow instead of resisting unexpected situations. You will, then, radiate vibrations of peace to your mind, health to your body, harmony to your relationships and happiness to your environment.

Build Self - Confidence Through Healthy Mind - Talk

Build Self - Confidence Through Healthy Mind - Talk

Self-confidence is all about being strong from inside.

Are you strong enough? What comes to your mind when you think of strength? Being rich or physically strong?

Real strength comes from within - the belief in the self, belief in our skills, qualities and powers. Confidence is that unique and palpable sense of absolute conviction that cannot be affected by external or internal fluctuations.

It is being absolutely sure and fearless. Self-confidence is a very intrinsic quality of a person that comes from within. Using external methods like dressing smart or walking faster may help to some extent, but the real self-confidence comes from within and does not require any external attire for its boosting.

It is not a real confidence that comes from fear, overwhelming arrogance, the puny ego, or ethnocentric pride. It is not a real confidence that comes from a desire for power and an aspiration to dominate.

But, real confidence is being true to the self in the very middle of the life-processes, even in all its chaos and complexities. To know our inherent goodness is to know, understand and realise who we really are. When one knows, understands and realises the true self, there are no limits, no doubts, no fear and no expectations, but only love, stability, courage and perfection.

The only way to tap into the wisdom of inner self is to meditate. This is the tool that opens up our heart and mind. Through practice of Rajyoga meditation, we understand life in true sense of the term and this helps us build our real self-confidence.

To build self-confidence, the need is to have a simple thought or healthy mind-talk or self-talk, which will take you to great heights with a peaceful mind.

The Virtue of having Patience

The Virtue of having Patience

Many of us experience a persistent restlessness inside. The cure for this restlessness is the virtue of being patient. Tell your mind, “Have patience, mind.”

Patience can be said to be the main virtue. Whilst sitting, walking and talking, check to see if you are maintaining patience as you are moving along.

If you have even a trace of anger or irritation, you spoil your inner state. Give regard to your own self by not allowing yourself to become angry. Become very sweet.

In fact, it is remembrance of God that will take care of your anger and make you very sweet.

Spiritual Upliftment, Development and Perfection of our Personality

The Munduka Upanishad states: “As rivers, flowing down, become indistinguishable on reaching the sea by giving up their names and forms, so also the illuminated soul, having become freed from name and form, reaches the self-effulgent Supreme Self.”

The Creator or the Supreme Father has sent us to the earth, not without any purpose, but to strive towards our spiritual upliftment, development and perfection of our spiritual personality. Moreover, we must be fully aware of how the Creator expects us to exhibit an extraordinary spirit in extracting spiritual nourishment from both good and bad experiences. Whatever may be our mission, we must stay fully focused on it.

A honeybee extracts nectar from flowers and, in order to do so, it has to fly through a multitude of gardens, clearing innumerable thorns, and finally has to land unerringly on the flower of its choice. It is worth reflecting how it finds its way to the flower, how it poises itself on it and extracts the nectar! Also, after completing its task, without wasting a single moment, it flies straight back to the beehive to deposit its share of honey.

We should learn the art of being diligent, focused and never swerve at all from the pursuit of our goals.

The spiritual knowledge imparted by God, the Supreme Soul, puts an end to delusion and blind faith and guides the human souls to the true path of self-realisation and God realisation. It also highlights the aim and objective of the human life and man's efforts and duties.

Unshakeable faith in God, the Almighty, being firm in carrying out our spiritual responsibilities and the exercise of restraint in the face of provocations, are the virtues that ensures spiritual upliftment. Without knowledge of the laws of , one cannot Karma justify the emergence of obstacles and circumstances.

Going beyond the materialistic outlook, one can understand that his/her pain and pleasure depend not only upon the actions performed in this birth but also on those performed in the past births. Selfishness causes suffering and isolation in our personal relationships.

Spirituality explains how the external state of the world reflects the condition of human souls. On the path of spiritual perfection, negative experiences are the challenges, which come to test our reactions in extraordinary and provocative situations. What we are being tested on, indicates how patient, forbearing and compassionate we are.

Our path is strewn with distractions, which, at times, derive our undue attention. In eschewing vengeance, we beat negativity, steer clear of unsavoury incidents, rise above the sense of petty vendetta and forgive people's follies. By doing so, we can develop and enhance our spiritual upliftment and make perfect our personality as well.

The practice of Rajyoga meditation taught at the centres of Brahma Kumaris Organization (BKO) greatly helps in these purposes and thereby enables the human souls for attaining the state of complete peace and serenity through our spiritual upliftment, development and perfection of our spiritual personality.

Busy Press The Stop Button

Busy Press The Stop Button

Busy – Press The Stop Button!
Technology can be our best friend, and technology can also be the biggest party spoiler of our lives. It interrupts our own story, interrupts our ability to have a thought or a daydream, to imagine something wonderful and create something beautiful, because we're too busy bridging the walk from the cafeteria back to the office on the cell phone, one of the favorite pastimes of our current lifestyle.
We’ve talked of being busy for so long that we’ve forgotten that being busy was never the goal. We are not on this earth to be busy. We are here to build relationships, experience life, go places, create things, help others, or whatever else you decide. Our reasons for being will all be different but if you reflect deeply, you will realize and also feel that none of us feel we are here simply to be busy. But this thinking has lead us to think being busy is good, no matter what we’re busy with. Being busy is not the way we should measure our worth and being busy is a not a worthy goal for any of us. Before you know it, you might get caught up being busy doing worthless things. Sadly the business world continues to train us this way as employees are expected to put in 8-10 hours of work a day even though on some days they might have only 2 or 4 hours of productive things to do. Poor training!

God's plan for enlarging and creating His beautiful kingdom of heaven, a new world order of peace, love and happiness of the future is so simple - one person telling another about God, the Savior and the Liberator i.e. giving the Supreme’s message of joyful, loveful and spiritual soul-conscious existence to each one. Yet we're busy and full of excuses. Just remember, someone's eternal destiny is at stake, that someone who is to receive the message from you. The joy you'll have when you see that person in a liberated and joyful state not only here but in that kingdom of heaven being created will far exceed any discomfort you felt in sharing the gospel or message with him by taking out time from your busy existence.

Self-Discipline is the key to Spiritual Success and Progress

Self-Discipline is the key to Spiritual Success and Progress

Self-discipline is not a matter of intelligence. It is a matter of will and emotion as stated by Dr S. Radhakrishan, a great Indian philosopher and late President of India. Discipline is an essential part of our life. In fact, without discipline in life, we cannot work smoothly.

Parents, elders of the family and the teachers are the first persons to introduce the sense of discipline to the children. Discipline must be learnt from the early stages of life. It ensures the smooth flow of life without putting hindrance to the individual's liberty.

It teaches us to be systematic towards achieving our goal of life. It helps us to achieve our ambitions. Learning self-discipline in the little things of life prepares the way for big successes. On the other hand, those, who are undisciplined in small matters, will likely be undisciplined in more important issues.

When it comes to the matter of maintaining a person's integrity and credibility, there are no small issues. Self-discipline is also necessary for spiritual progress.

Unruly thoughts, attractions of the senses, lustful desires, anger, covetousness and avarice constantly arise in the mind of the person, who has no mental discipline; and these impel him to do evil deeds.

If a person cannot direct his thoughts, desires and actions according to his own will, how can he possibly direct his self to God and keep his life on the path of truth? Unless the higher mind is strengthened and the strong will power is maintained to master the impulses of the flesh in mind, there will be little room for God to dwell in that mind.

Thus, central to the spiritual life is self-discipline. In The Shrimad Bhagwat Gita, Lord Krishna emphasised on self–discipline, thus: A man of disciplined mind, who moves among the objects of senses, with senses under control and free from attachment and aversion, attains purity of spirit (Chapt-2: 64).

Managing your mind is the first step to becoming the ruler of your life. One can learn to manage the mind by learning Rajyoga.

Rajyoga helps people to manage their inner resources effectively and access the strength required to deal with different distractions. It makes one mentally and physically strong and disciplined, as they can let go of fears or situations that have been holding him/her back from what he/she wants to achieve.

Life cannot be truly understood and enjoyed through constant indulgence and distraction. They need to be dusted away through spirituality and practice of Rajyoga Meditation in order to reveal the beautiful, pristine and pure self.

Spiritual Inspiration from Flowers

Spiritual Inspiration from Flowers

January 17 is celebrated as the International Flowers' Day.

Let's draw spiritual inspirations from various flowers and become like flowers, which spread out fragrance to please and satisfy all.

The Fragrance of Virtues
  • The rose is the king of flowers. Hence, let's also become a king of ourselves and spread the fragrance of virtues!
  • The night flower blooms only in the night. Instead, let's keep blooming with a sparkling smile on our lips always.
  • The hibiscus flower is offered to Shri Ganesh. Hence, let's become pure and divine like the deities.
  • The jasmine flower is very fragrant, Hence, let's keep spreading the elevated vibrations of divine virtues all around.
Best Practices
The flower keeps giving its fragrance to each hand that touches it anywhere and everywhere. Similarly, let's always remain stabilized in the experience of our original virtues, irrespective of the external challenges.

  • The touch-me-not, mimosa, flower shrinks with the slightest of touches. Hence, let's shrink ourselves from anything, which is waste or negative.
  • The lotus grows in the mud, yet remains above the surface of the water, which denotes living in this world, yet remaining protected from its negative influences, thereby being empowered to make a positive influence all around.

The Magic of God’s Love

  • Like the sunflower, let's keep leaning towards the Supreme God, to become full of all the virtues and powers.
  • The Ak flower is offered on the Shiva Linga. Hence, even if we have no quality, we can definitely surrender ourselves to God.

Hence, let's remain in the awareness of being a king over the self, thereby always be smiling, joyous and divine (i.e. full of positivity and free from negativities). By doing this, we will automatically bring the divine land – Satyuga – on this earth once again.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Release Your Expectations

Release Your Expectations

     You always assisted a colleague to finish his project in time; but, when you asked him for a favour, he refused. You reached home tired and expected your young child to behave well; but, he threw tantrums the entire evening. Are these situations familiar or have you been in similar situations and wondered: Why can't people meet simple expectations? Why can't they be as I expect?

Our habits, personalities, perspectives, choices and priorities are different. So, we cannot always act in the same way as others, irrespective of our authority, role or responsibility. It also doesn't matter how simple and right our expectation is.

Release expectations from everyone – family members, friends, colleagues and people of the society. Let us be on our way, accepting everyone as they are. We accept, advise, instruct and share opinion respectfully; but, we should not get upset if people don't meet our expectations.

Let us drop the belief that expectations are normal and hold the belief that acceptance is normal. It helps us remain emotionally stable in every situation and have harmonious relationships. No two individuals can think, speak or behave identically. Yet, we routinely wonder: How can he be like this? or Why did she say that?

The load of such futile thoughts and expectations block our energy of love and peace. Let us remember that our state of mind has no connection with anyone or anything outside of us. Sit back and program your thoughts and feelings about other people.

Do not succumb, do not hit back, do not expect, do not blame and do not complain. Take charge of your inner state and choose your response. In this way, you come out of impulsive, auto-piloted reactions to people's behaviours.

Your acceptance, that people are different can sustain your happiness and influence them positively.

Pause, Choose & Respond

Pause, Choose & Respond

Respond Vs. React: How to Keep Your Cool in Times of Stress ...        There are things coming to us from outside, and those that we are sending out. Situations and people come from outside, so what we get from them is not in our control. But, what goes out from us such as our thoughts, words and behaviour in response, are always our choice.

We think someone else caused our happiness, anger, pain or fear as we are in a habit of blaming. Also we are not aware that our response is our internal creation. Let's consciously choose to respond with peace, calmness and happiness today.

Nobody else can create our emotions or make us feel a certain way. We create them but wrongly believe others are responsible for how we feel. No emotion is obvious and no response is natural.

Let's take personal responsibility of our thoughts, feelings and behaviour. He wronged me so I was obviously upset, Her behaviour angered me: these words should not be part of our vocabulary. Our situations do not determine our happiness; our response to the situation determines it. The response begins with the thoughts our mind creates.

Feeding the mind with good thoughts to begin the day is like planting healthy seeds in a fertile space. The outer environment is often a reflection of our thoughts. We reap the fruits of happy thoughts that attract happy experiences.

Sit back and programme your mind for a perfect day. Set the foundation of emotional stability to build your responses. Situations and people can be imperfect but your state of mind should remain perfect, calm, happy and peaceful. Your thoughts, words and actions should radiate positive vibrations, influence people and situations, and attract more peace and happiness.

Overthinking to Positive thinking, BK Shivani's letter

Overthinking to Positive thinking, BK Shivani's letter
Question was asked via Email about - 'How to stop overthinking and complaining about life?' and follow a positive aproach with enthusiasm.

Original Question via Email:

Dear mam
myself xyz...from past many many years there has been problem of being suffering from overthinking. So i would give th e problems list...i am not able to decide which one of these is the major cause.
-- overly critical, compalining, never happy,
eating is the pure joy
easily bored
easily give up
feels down , irritated
people say i need to rectif..i also feel in some way..although i consciously apply some rules...but not able to sustain for longer...easily hurt. I dont know where i actually stand
mainintaing discipline is a problem for me..
if u receive the mail please revert back.
mam please tell the main cause root of the problem..or let me know any no on which i can call u
keeping the faith i am writing the mail. hoping for solution
yours sincerely - 'anonymous'

Response from BK Shivani:

From: BK Shivani, Prajapita Brahma Kumari Ishwariya Vishwa Vidhyalay
To: Kashish

You have described your insight about your nature. You asked for the reason or the root cause of this feelings.
If you think deeply, the root of this is 'laziness'. See, you make rules, and then could not follow. When you critize situation, etc, then this means you had no clue that this can happen in future. If I have a clue, that this can happen, then I would definitely take precautions to avoid..

How to avoid? - Far sight is needed. When you take an important decision, you should think of future.

2. Why can you not follow the rules you made for yourself?
For example, we BK (brahmins) are to folow a spiritual law - wake up early in monring no late than 4 am. BUT many of us cannot follow. Why?
We know that this is most important for self transformation. 4 am is called as Amritvela time (best time). In this time, we sit in Raja Yog (meditation). In early morning, everyone is sleeping and all minds are at rest. Hence the atmosphere is pure and peaceful. This is the best time to do any productive work. Best for self insight.
BUT, even when we know this all, we have not realised this. We do not give importance. We may think - even if i wake up late, i feel okay. Nothing more is needed. Same for you - If you take a decision - you should first completely understanding the IMPORTANCE of that decision (rule) for your benefit.
Then you should take steps:
1. Understand the IMPORTANCE
2. Prepare the timetable for yourself (Sunday to Saturday)
3. Wake up early morning if possible. Site for meditation (with guided commentaries- Visit this page)
4. Sincerely observe yourself for atleast 1 DAY. See that you follow ALL the princles set by you.
5. Encourage yourself.

And yes, when you wake up early, after guided meditation, practice this Swaman (Hindi):

Swaman is extreme benefit to the mind. Swaman means true self respect. Listen swaman commentaries for about 15 mins daily morning.

Doing all this is important. All 5 steps.

Tell us your progress via this email after 14 days of practice.

Friday, April 3, 2020


Chapter 3




The body is a delicate and plastic
instrument, which responds readily to the
thoughts by which it is impressed, and
habits of thought will produce their own
effects, good or bad, upon it.


The body is the servant of the mind. With unlawful thoughts the body sinks into disease and decay. with glad and beautiful thoughts it becomes clothed with youthfulness & beauty. Thoughts of fear can kill the body. Anxiety quickly demoralizes the whole body, opening it to disease, while impure thoughts will shatter the nervous system. Strong pure and happy thoughts build up the body in vigor and grace.
The habits of thoughts will produce their effects -- good or bad -- upon the body. Thought is the fount of action, life, and manifestation. Make the fountain' pure and all will be pure.
If you would perfect your body, guard your mind. If you would renew your body, beautify your mind. Thoughts of malice, envy, and disappointment, rob the body of its health and grace. A bright, happy, and serene countenance follows from thoughts of joy, goodwill and serenity. To continually live in thoughts of ill-will, cynicism, suspicion and envy, is to be confined in a self-made prison.
To think well of all, to be cheerful with all, to find the good in all -- such unselfish thoughts are the very portals of heaven.


Chapter 2



The human Will, that force unseen,
The offspring of a deathless Soul
Can hew a way to any goal,
Though walls of granite intervene. 

A man's mind may be likened to a garden – cultivated or uncultivated. The cultivated produces flowers & fruit, while the uncultivated produces weeds. A man must continually weed-out all wrong, useless, and impure thoughts and deliberately cultivate right, useful, and pure thoughts.
Thought and character are one, and character has a profound influence on the circumstances of one's life. If a man learns the spiritual lesson of his current circumstances they will give way to other circumstances.
As long as a man believes he is a creature of external conditions he will be buffeted by those conditions. When he practices self-control and self-purification of thought, and remedies his defects of character, he finds that his circumstances will change.
The soul attracts that which it secretly harbors -- its loves and fears. The soul reaches the height of its cherished aspirations and the depth of its unchastened desires. Every thought-seed allowed to take root in a man's mind will eventually produce the fruit of character and opportunity and circumstance.
Good thoughts bear good fruit, bad thoughts bad fruit.

Let a man cease from his sinful thoughts, and all the world will soften towards him, and be ready to help him; let him put away his weakly and sickly thoughts, and lo, opportunities will spring up on every hand to aid his strong resolves; let him encourage good thoughts, and no hard fate shall bind him down to wretchedness and shame. The world is your kaleidoscope, and the varying combinations of colours, which at every succeeding moment it presents to you are the exquisitely adjusted pictures of your ever-moving thoughts.

“So You will be what you will to be; Let failure find its false content In that poor word, ‘environment,’ But spirit scorns it, and is free.
“It masters time, it conquers space; It cowes that boastful trickster, Chance, And bids the tyrant Circumstance Uncrown, and fill a servant’s place.
“The human Will, that force unseen, The offspring of a deathless Soul, Can hew a way to any goal, Though walls of granite intervene.
“Be not impatient in delays But wait as one who understands; When spirit rises and commands The gods are ready to obey.”




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James Allen > Quote James Allen quotes   “A man's mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cu...